We are, I believe, ready for Christmas.
The food is all bought and as ready as
it can be ahead of time for our annual Christmas dinner with others
who live far from families or who aren't celebrating on Christmas day
and would otherwise be alone. There will be 5 of us this year unless
some others are trapped by snow and show up.
Hubby sent out our Christmas cards –
what few we send these days.
The gifts were mailed and received by
family in California with days to spare.
We have been to the Boise Botanical Garden Christmas light show, had fun with friends and done 'Christmasy' things.
The cookie dough is in the fridge to
bake fresh to take to church for the Christmas Eve Services.
The house is reasonably clean.
And so...
It is time to take a breather, and
really think about what we do and why. It does not matter that we
don't really know when the birth of Jesus took place, we celebrate because he was born. We celebrate that he was born because it is the first step in the amazing life that was promised for 2000 years, the life that would result in a victory over death, the life that would be given for us. Easter, or Resurrection Sunday, has its beginning on Christmas eve. My prayer for all of you who read this blog is that you would receive that great gift from Him and truly understand the reason for the season!!
don't really know when the birth of Jesus took place, we celebrate because he was born. We celebrate that he was born because it is the first step in the amazing life that was promised for 2000 years, the life that would result in a victory over death, the life that would be given for us. Easter, or Resurrection Sunday, has its beginning on Christmas eve. My prayer for all of you who read this blog is that you would receive that great gift from Him and truly understand the reason for the season!!
God Bless us Every One!!
I wish you all the merriest of
Christmases and the Happiest of New Years!!