It has been amazing to me how this little part time job has come to take up so much of my time. I was feeling pretty bad, as I was tired and not accomplishing things around the house. I decided to sit down and figure out if I was really having a problem, thought maybe I was just being disorganized. The first change had come when I was asked to work 4 days (5hrs) a week instead of 3. So 20 hours a week shouldn't be taking such a chunk of my time and energy right? I started adding up the 40 minute round trip each day, plus the hour to get ready in the am, and the hour to iron and make my lunch in the pm. My 5 hour job is now taking 8 hours of my time. OK that kind of makes sense, sleeping and eating are a must and I'm feeling better about my organizational skills and my energy level! I also have hit that spot where I used to be when I worked full time and was just able to organize my time better. My mother and I have discussed this and we both agreed when you work outside the home you just get more organized because your mind 'knows' you have less time! Once we retired I had that idea that if I didn't get it done today there was always tomorrow. There is nothing wrong with that but my organization of tasks was "fluid"! Things could be moved around more easily! That it took this long to get back into the habits of the 'before times' may speak more to the impending 60th birthday (this fall) than anything else!! ;) Having gotten that off my mind we have made lists of projects that we are going to do while the money is coming in, and prioritized them. It is nice to have the little extra and be able to get a couple of the big items done this year we hope now instead of waiting till next.

While the Northeast is having a rough spring we are having a lovely one and the garden is hard to resist! Tonight's predicted frost is proof we were wise not to give in to the urge to plant too many things. We will put a tarp over the tomatoes and the rest should be fine. I finally got the red mulch I wanted last fall and couldn't find any more. The herb garden looks very nice I think and hopefully this will make a big difference with the weeds. Do you see all the blooms on the strawberries?!
This is looking up at the apple tree, Hubby and Number 2 son trimmed this big time last fall and it is loaded with blossoms, would be nice to have a bumper crop of our own apples this year for pies and applesauce.
I am loving this brave little lettuce plant that came up from last year before we started planting new this year. I have been picking a leaf or two here and there and dipping in dressing for a snack. It is keeping my craving for fresh veg under control! By the way, that is technically called 'chicken wire' in the store. We call it 'cat wire' because it is used here to keep the cats from using the freshly worked beds as litter boxes - just one step too 'organic' for my comfort level!
From the back porch looking back to the garden. Hubby has since cut the grass once and we have irrigated once.
Looking from the garden to the back porch. It has been nice to have a lot of rain this spring and our snowpacks are still looking good. After low water years it is always nice to have a green spring! The trees are leafing and the hillsides out and about are green. It really is a nice time of year.
The cherry tree got topped by about 20 feet last year and has quite a few blooms on it, we are holding our breathe to see if it weathers the frosts and cooler nights this week or if we will go another year with no cherries!
We will be going to see this little one in a couple of weeks - I love this picture - you can almost hear the laugh can't you!?
Think I am caught up again for a little while, maybe get back to a regular rhythm here too!
So pleased you will be visiting your granddaughter, Kathy. I am doing the same in 10 days time which reminds me that I need to finish a rag quilt before then.