Thursday, May 16, 2013

Odds and Ends and Runny Noses!

Just some random stuff today!

Hubby and I are being sort of the ultimate couple and sharing a cold (by the way, sharing the cold in no way diminishes it, you each get a whole one)! There is much sneezing and coughing and nose blowing going on here this last week. I must say I think Hubby is complaining more than me but that may just be my cranky sick persona speaking! ….smile

The garden is coming along, our days of abnormal heat (in the 90's) last week really kick-started everything, the corn and bean seeds are sprouting and the plants we put in are very happy (I think). My Columbines are just beautiful and the tree out front is kind of amazing! The weeds are growing best as is usual in my world. I always remember my grandmas answer to the question “how do you know if it's a weed?” She said “pull on it, if it comes out easy it was something you wanted, if it comes out hard it's a weed!” Still holds true! Every day is a little weeding and watering and I am enjoying myself immensely! Hubby is very pleased with his 'salsa' garden, the tomatoes and peppers enjoyed the early heat and are doing very well, he is experimenting with different varieties of both this year and doing lettuce as well.
One of the Columbines

The first raised bed

There are actually 3 beans coming up so far!

Grandmas wonderberries
kind of hard to see but this tree is full of lovely yellow flowers!

The 'studio' was needing a little organizing this week so I've been going through the piles and sorting while I have no energy and small ability to breathe. I keep the box of tissues nearby! I did get started on the T-shirt quilt, but need some new needles for the machine, working on the fix of daughter in laws old quilt from Grandma, got some mending to get to, went through the vintage beads and findings and organized them all in little drawers in cool plastic cases (don't you just love harbor freight?), and got done with the family group sheets for one side of the family to send to Mom and Auntie for them to have fun with. I am feeling pretty good about the space and think sometimes God just needs to slow me down and have me clean up around myself a little before he let's me go haring off again!

Got to talk to the 3 sons and 2 daughters in law for Mothers day, which was very fun! Spoke to my Mommy who spent the day with her mother! 

We are coming up on our one year anniversary in this house and I am trying to put together a sort of before and after post with a few pictures.  Soon...

So now I'm ready for the cold to be over, seriously …. anytime now!