Thursday, February 10, 2011


Thanks for checking out this blog.  I hope to have some interesting things up very quickly.  My kids say it's a site dedicated to 'Old Stuff'', which translates to genealogy, historic information, old recipes, antiques, graveyards, old quilt patterns, crafts and preserving all those things.  Preserving for the historic value and dedicated to the idea that learning history and how things were done will benefit us, and could even keep us from making mistakes that have been made already.  I promise you, I am not a person who would give up her laptop, or stereo, or car, I don't want to give up modern conveniences.  I do love the feel of well made furniture, the comfort of a pantry full of food, the warmth of a handmade quilt on a cold night, and a house full of the kind of furnishings that make visitors feel like sitting down and spending some time.  A laptop looks good on a roll top desk!
I have been married to the same guy for 30 years, have 3 boys ages 28, 24 and 22, and have worked most of my adult life in some aspect of the insurance industry.  My husband and I are transitioning to life on a pension and part time jobs, in the process of moving to a new state, and inviting all 3 kids to move with us to our new state.
As a Christian I truly believe that God is in control of our lives, but I have, over the year and a half of unemployment for my husband, a slow down in my job, and all of that uncertainty, developed a deeper trust in the Lord.  Not knowing what will happen from day to day is a wonderful lesson in trust!  I have been reminded many times of the old hymn 'Leaning on Jesus'. 
Well that is me in a nutshell, please come back in a few days and see how we progress - Thank you


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