Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Slow Living August Look Back

Slow living August -

I've been reading 'Slow Living Essentials' for quite some time now and decided to take the plunge and see if I could figure this out! It's such a nice idea to stop and take stock.

Nourish – August has been peak harvest month in the garden. We had two weeks of corn on the cob with our meals, we are still eating tomatoes, the freezer is full of zucchini and summer squash, lettuce, onions, peppers, radishes and cabbage, now we are getting more and more green beans. Love eating food we know is raised healthy. We didn't plant enough this year (experimenting) to get us through the winter, but we will enjoy some things all winter long and that will help.

Prepare – Canning and freezing and my new foray into fermentation (hooray!) the harvest is better than we thought it would be and so we prepare for the cold that will be here before we know it.

Green – We have worked on composting this year more than last year, our kitchen trash has been greatly reduced.  We have been doing our own tree trimming this year and will be able to cut back on the electricity we use in the winter from the small heaters since the wood stove is so much more efficient.

Grow – Just putting in the peas and garlic, one for fall the other for next year

Create – Have begun a 'throw' out of monks cloth that I am doing counted cross stitch flowers on.  I have also been working on quilted curtains for the kitchen (to start) that will hopefully keep out the cold and heat in their seasons, help the wood stove in the winter and keep the fans adequate in the summer.  We nearly caved on buying an air conditioning unit for the bedroom this summer but managed to stay strong

Enhance – This coming Saturday will be the first meeting of the new quilting club that another lady and I have begun in our church. We are calling it 'home arts' club and hope that some of us older ladies can teach our skills to some of the younger ones!

Discover – I have had a surplus of zucchini this year (doesn't everyone?) and have had a lot of fun surfing the inter-webs and trying new recipes, I have new jam, bread and relish recipes in my cupboard and freezer,
ready for winter enjoyment!

Enjoy – I have been having a lot of fun with my genealogy work this month as I have found 2 more cousins (2 or 3 times removed) and have been sharing family tree stuff with people who don't start looking for excuses to get away from me. (like my kids!)

 This is the road to Grandmas farm.  I am thinking of using it as the cover for my genealogy binder for this side of the family.  So many memories.


  1. Kathy, my mum was into family history big time and our eyes used to glaze over sometimes when she went on and on about it. However, since she died we have had so many questions come up that we should have asked her when she was alive so I hope that someone in your family will take an interest in your family history before it is too late to learn about it.

  2. Kathy, I was just reading your recipes and you commented there that you hadn't worked out how to get comment notifications.

    Go into 'Settings'....then click on 'posts and comments' ...
    underneath the 'comment moderation' thingy you can put in the email address that you would like your notifications to go to.

    I have a Smartphone and get a text message when someone has left a comment and I can click on 'Publish' on my phone. I do have to be careful though as the screen is so small and it is hard not to press the 'Delete' button underneath. LOL!

    Hope this helps.

    1. Thank you, I forgot I wrote that. When I read your advice I thought - gee why didn't I do that and checked the g-mail account I set up just to have the blog and of course it was full of notifications. Who knows how long I would have gone on wondering like that!! (sigh....smile)

  3. Hi Kathy, great to read about your month. Your garden sounds amazing - congratulations on such an abundant corn harvest! :)
